


intertextile秋冬面辅料展 吉使达首创多彩反光、发(夜)光和变图三合一纱线与面、辅料服天下

   2018-10-09 5940




  盖特国际企业有限公司的董事主席施盈吉先生Mr. Moil Shih接受了中国服装网的采访。

???Mr. Moil Shih除了是盖特国际企业有限公司的董事主席外,还身兼多个头衔:十余项、数十国专利的发明人、世界知名品牌供应商、品牌快速国际化的实践者及“品牌策略联盟”的创意者。

  在展位上,Mr. Moil Shih向中国服装网展示了一项专利技术:采用可集彩虹反光、发(夜)光和变图效果三合一技术(PCT国际专利WIPO号:WO/2016/192206;中国发明专利于2018年9月4日获授权通知,专利权人:施盈吉),专利范围包含从原料、制程到运用成品,除了已开发出的“彩虹反光+夜光”之反光膜、反光布(T/C布底,单面弹性布及双面弹性布后)及彩虹反光及夜光滚条外,今年元宵在新北市天灯节入口背板做成全球首座光照时可反光、变图并吸光, 在无光黑暗中可见到发光馀辉的节能路标, 做为入口处背板路标,比去年使用的Led灯更节能、环保。近期吉使达再运用该专利做成课同时反射彩虹反光及夜光之纱线和印花,可用于车线、针织和梭织的面料及副料。



  该材料还可运用于纺织面料、不织布、皮、革、塑胶、橡胶、纸、木林、金属、服装、箱、包、车、飞机、帽、鞋、袜、 伞、盒、标牌、贴纸、胶带、雨衣、交通标志、广告招牌、海报、电脑面板、电视萤幕、液晶面板、电脑或电视显示器的发光片及其他产品上,让它们更加光彩夺目。

??Mr. Moil Shih告诉中国服装网,吉使达从1982开始生产商标辅料,用各种材料制成,1990年后継而开发原材料, 并先后注册了十几种和数十国发明专利,市场遍及七十几个国家市场。一直以来反光业界和夜光业界,始终没有在二种效果合并上有很大的突破,但施先生此项发明不仅有反光、夜光效果既能够给足安全警示,又能在不同角度观看到千变万化,产生了“彩虹反光、夜光、变图三合一“效果。

???深耕行业三十余载,Mr. Moil Shih在反光行业和夜光行业孜孜不倦,不断深入研发,实现技术的更新突破,最新掌握的彩虹反光、发(夜)光和变图效果三合一技术,除了可以运用在服装行业的面辅料领域,当运用到其他类产品上时,又给其他产品增添了附加功能,倘若添加在艺术品上,又可为艺术品增添别样的韵味。不仅便利了生活,而且丰富了生活乐趣。


??By taking advantage of its patented technology that was previously applied to a gigantic traffic sign mounted on an entrance truss of the New Taipei City Government-organized Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival early this year, Giftstart Co., Ltd. has recently rolled out yarns, fabrics and accessories that can generate colorful-reflection, glow-in-the-dark, and pattern-variable visual effects altogether in the products they constitute.
???The unique technology is patented by Mr. MOIL Y.C. SHIH ( The Managing Director of Giftstart Co. ) with PCT WIPO ( World Intellectual property organization ) NO.:WO2016/192206 and No. I582470:M520641 of Taiwan. Also introduced based on the technology include reflective treatment that can generate “colorful refection and luminousness in the dark”; reflective T/C-based fabrics, stretch fabrics; and pipings that can glow in pitch darkness and reflect with colorful light.
???The yarn is applicable to various sewing threads, knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, straps, and ropes for various industries, including clothing, footwear, sock, bag, home furnishings and furniture, among others.
???The fabrics are available for various knitted and woven fabrics including stretch fabrics and waterproof fabrics.
???Materials integrated with the technology can reflect, absorb and radiate light.Consequently, the material can glow in the dark by itself after absorbing enough light. Its colorful reflection enhances pedestrians’ or vehicles’ visibility and thus safety in addition to better aesthetic appeal than the simple white-light reflection.
???Excellent light-absorption and luminousness performance makes the material an energy-saving light source and enables the material to generate fewer light pollution than streetlights do. When extensively applied to traffic vehicles, personal items, and public sites, the film can help boost the efficiency in emergency escape, disaster relief, public safety, and energy conservation.
???Also, the technology can be applied to textile-based materials, nonwoven materials, leathers, plastics, rubber, paper, wooden materials, metals, apparels, cases, bags, vehicles, airplanes, hats, footwear, socks, umbrellas, boxes, labels, stickers, adhesive tapes, raincoats, traffic signs, signboards, posters, TV screens, computer monitors, displays, LCD panels, and so on.

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